
Brand New Album Coming very soon
Brand New Album Coming very soon

Find Your own Ground I honestly did not know if I’d make another album. My life as a Psycho- therapist fulfils me on so many levels including creatively, that I wasn’t sure if there was anything left  of me to immerse in the writing and production of a new piece of musical work. Then lock-down


The more I travel through life the more I appreciate and love kindness. It seems to go hand in hand with humility which is another of my favorite attributes and both I deeply aspire to.  it seems to me that in order to be kind outwardly in the world I first have to foster and


Balance is such a beautiful thing, it brings with it a sense of order and calm and for me the time to appreciate the little things. I hope that creating and honoring balance is not just something that comes with age and having life take you to your knees. I am hopeful that some of

The True Spirit Of Christmas. Kew

Our annual concert at the beautiful Barn Church. This year it will be with Andrew Blissett the original Bliss co writer and producer. Andy will play piano and keys so the concert will have a different flavour. We will explore the BLISS back catalogue and take you on journey back in time to those beautiful

Oak Trees don’t grow in 7 days . The beauty of slow growth.
Oak Trees don’t grow in 7 days . The beauty of slow growth.

I’ve been working on myself for more years than I care to admit and as I walk the path i’m more and more aware of what I don’t know.  Yet I’m heartened by the seedling of strong commitment that is  finally standing up and that will continue to grow even as the storms of life